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Where Fun, Music, and Learning
Find a Harmonious Blend!

Join our group music classes and create lasting memories

with your little ones!

What Do We Offer?

At Sing Play Speak, we offer a unique experience that combines music, movement, and play activities that are specifically tailored to support language and social skill development.


Our materials and curriculum vary based upon age, but these are our core values and what each of our classes have in common: music, movement, language, and socialization.


We strive to help your child create lasting memories and foster lifelong skills.


In our classes, we focus on teaching early music skills, such as steady beat, fast and slow, high and low, instrument exploration and vocal exploration. We use familiar and new songs in our classes and show you how easy it is to incorporate music into your daily routines.


Your child will work on language comprehension and expression during our classes, as appropriate for

their age and developmental level. We take a multi-sensory approach to teaching language concepts by

including sign language, gestures, motor movements, song, and dance. Most importantly, we understand that each child develops at their own pace. This is why we meet each child at their current

language level and work with you on how to support them at home.


It is well documented that movement activities aid in language comprehension, language expression,

memory, and attention, among other skills. Each class incorporates movement activities that aid in the

development of these skills.


Whether your child is a social butterfly or prefers to sit back and take it all in, they will have an opportunity to engage socially with peers and adults in our classes. Parents also find this to be a great one-on-one bonding time with their child.

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